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Old 11-28-2017, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So what to you call a president that doesn't govern by political polls but what he promised he would do when he campaigned?

If you are a progressive its "a dictator"

If you are a conservative its "a guy with intestinal fortitude"

votes/taxpayers/citizens have for so long been governed by politicians with an ear to the dog whistles of lobbyist, and an eye on the polls they can't recognize and do't know how to react to a true independent and individualist thinker because their heads implode

Personal Best Regards:
So does that mean you endorse rude public behavior by a man who was elected to get things done for THE COUNTRY.

He blew the chance to repeal Obama care by his rude and offensive language and public stances changing each day, and it appears he is bound to destroy any chance of tax revision.

True and real leaders to not insult publicly and demean those that they actually need.