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Old 11-30-2017, 06:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
When I see his "wet ink" ORIGINAL birth certificate...I'll be a believer. ALL we've seen is a state generated piece of paper that a democratic official "certified"...who happened to be killed not too long after.

I'm agnostic about Obama being born in the US...I don't know.
Like the God question Obama's place of birth becomes problematic and such claims easily dismissed placing believers at a disadvantage. but if one follows this guys movements including the assistance and status of gaining entrance into college, the computer generated birth certificate. His living in Kenya, his mothers hatred of America, etc etc One can conclude that occam's razor applies and at minimum this guy;s belief is pro -Islam, anti-christian, anti-white and anti- American. and then add to the fact that all his and his wife's records are sealed......

I believe his people pulled off the biggest scam in America by passing him off as American born and eligible to be president

and if a poster responds by calling me a birther than know I view it as a compliment better than suffering fools

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