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Old 11-30-2017, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Interesting read from someone who has studied "strongmen" and written a book in it. She believes his actions serve a real purpose and are done by plan.

"Many have sought to diagnose President Trump’s mental health from afar, depicting him as delusional, narcissistic or a madman. Such an approach is understandable, since many of us struggle to make sense of his destructive behavior and attachment to falsehoods that are often of his own making. Yet it’s the history of authoritarianism that provides the best framework for understanding Trump’s words and actions. From Benito Mussolini onward, strongmen have ruled through a combination of seduction and threat, building up protective cults of personality and relentlessly pushing their own versions of reality until they’re in a position to make them state policy."

No, Trump is not a madman — because he knows exactly what he’s doing - The Washington Post

Third world stuff.

[B]Actually, tie this with the Tillerson/Pompei/Cotton[/B] anticipation makes some sense.
He did act like this on the campaign making many false statements and bullying his challengers.