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Old 11-30-2017, 08:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The liberals...promoting women and minorities...led us into the abyss...we have 30 years tops and America is gone.

A f@cking woman wrote a book about "strongmen"...alpha males...and YOU take it seriously? I'll write a book on pregnancy and childbirth and you can use that as your source of reliable information.

"We are certainly developing downward to third world status." BECAUSE our population IS BECOMING a majority 3rd worlders! 1/3 of our current population was born overseas or the child of someone born overseas. The VAST majority of our and illegal...are Hispanics and blacks. WE are turning 3rd world because we're filling up with 3rd worlders!

"Followers who flat out refuse to acknowledge they are being lied to, and continue the support, especially on social media, are so worrisome." This SHOULD be said about people who BLINDLY believe and promote equality. Lowered standards and equality is destroying us!

Because he's a f@cking alpha male you stupid twit...Tal the Twit...or Twit for short...your new name when you have the nerve to address me.
Your obscene language plus your manifested hate make you somebody who could be called....incorrigible.

However, you land well BELOW that mark.

You never answer when I ask where you are.....and why you were assigned to troll here.