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Old 12-06-2017, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Trump Derangement Syndrome is an international obsession . Politicians in the Western Hemisphere haven't run across a guy like Trump in quite a long time. He is indeed direct, sometimes abrupt, sometimes his comments leave one in a quandary but he is keeping his promises despite the greatest attempts by people from both parties and some in both the Departments of State and Justice to stop him in his tracks.

Trump should boot Sessions out and he needs to quickly weed out the Obama hold overs.

Personal Best Regards:
Did he promise to ignore congress, like not enforcing the sanctions on Russia ?

Did he promise to bring us a cast of liars when he took the White House ?

Did he promise to accuse the ex President of a felony without any substantiation ?

Did he promise to continue the election process by weekly at minimum attacking his opponent for the same things that were disproved DURING the real election ?

Did he promise to fire anyone who might investigate him (we are at THREE now and counting) ?

Just curious.....of course what it does it give you pro Trump folks something to discuss because HE, AND ONLY HE makes the news....HE, AND ONLY HE continues to discuss the election.....when the news cycle threatens to be boring, he will come up with an personal accusation for someone.

Yeah....know what you mean....what the hell are these folks criticizing him for.