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Old 12-09-2017, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
His-Story is written by the "winners"...THEY...the minorities...are the NEW winners. THEY are the majority now...THEY will decide what IS and ISN'T taught...and believed.

They don't teach it. You think a 80% black school is teaching Calculus? Physics? GRAMMAR? Are you kidding me? The minority TEACHERS can't speak English! Let alone TEACH it. If they can't do it themselves, they shouldn't be teaching.

Even less books show that the native Americans were violent, cruel, and warring themselves.

But that's NOT what they're getting...they're being TOLD...WHAT to think...not how to think. Because women and minorities make up 75% of students now...and they CAN'T think logically like white men can.

There's the ultimate in hyprocracy..."Real education is opening the mind to accept ALL theories and teach us tools to either support or deny those theories." Like YOUR mind is open to MY theories of race and women? I've PROVED my argument...over and over...we can go and SEE how right I am in ANY black school or ANY MLK Blvd. But you REFUSE to accept it...why? Because you AREN'T what you preach. You have brainwashed, preconceived "truths" that you won't allow to fall.

It sure is "our business"...what if they're taught that ALL white people are bad and should be punished? What if they're taught they deserve to be taken care of for life because of their ancestors treatment? What if they're taught they're equal to whites and we're "holding them back" ONLY because we hate them?

That's none of my business? I should be footing the bill for that?
No - you shouldn't be footing the bill for other people's children. And since you're not paying for it, the people who ARE paying for it -- the parents -- are the ones who decide what gets taught, not The View, not the teachers union, not you.
