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Old 12-17-2017, 09:01 AM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
I am at that point of saturation concerning Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

Yesterday while surfing channels one station that devotes its agenda to telling lies stated that Trump is the great divider.

This comment caused me to pause and ask who is it exactly that is making this claim? Why are they making this claim? Is the claim supported with evidence? Why are the claims so absolute?

I believe Deep State/Shadow government is behind most of this. To many posters this may appear to be a bit paranoid. However bear in mind that the people I am talking about spend their entire careers running our government and as such covet power and control absolute. To them a president is just a temporary employee . So its not far fetched that they would be concerned that a maverick like Trump could upset their apple cart . whereas a compliant president would be tolerated especially if controlled as was Obama.

Then we have the Democrats who were totally embarrassed and who under estimated the number of Americans who rejected their policies. Indeed you will note that all of a sudden a PRO LIFE candidate running on the Democratic ticket is now acceptable. Prior to the 2016 election a PRO LIFE issue was a non-stater on the party's platform. We now see Nancy Pelosi's public rejection of Antifa. Why because the Antifa told the liberal Democrats that they hated them as much as Republicans

So the above-mentioned parties use the public as their useful idiots to stop Trump.

If these people were all honest we would have them acknowledge the objective facts of what Trump has produced so far in policy. But MSM and the above won't give Trump a fair accounting.

So now who really are the true dividers? And by dividing us they render us impotent to stop them and their quest for total power and control. Unfortunately, we do not have a sufficient number of thinking people in this nation any longer and through gradualism they take freedom after freedom away from us disguised as the benefits to a society.

Personal Best Regards:
Deep state collusion being proven true yet the Trump derangement syndrome goes on.