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Old 12-18-2017, 05:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I don't understand people making comparisons to Europeans coming to a land where there was no established country. This was a land that was inhabited by several native tribes. In fact, they were not actually natives, the people that we refer to as native Americans migrated from Asia.

Europeans came and established a country on this land and established a set of laws for that country. The so-called native Americans didn't believe that anyone could own land so how could anyone "steal" their land.

This has happened in many situations throughout the world. The Philippines, for example, is a series of 7,000 islands that were occupied by hundreds of different tribes. They had no affiliation or common interest. It was only when Spain "discovered" the islands and claimed them for their own did they become The Philippines Islands. It wasn't until the United States granted them independence that they became a sovereign country.

Is the world supposed to return to what it was before countries existed?
Excellent post. whether some will admit it or not the Europeans that settled this nation made it into the most powerful nation on earth implementing law and order, the rule of law and individual freedoms granted by God and not man.

People should be judged by their acts in the time they existed and not by today. it is simply unfair. Indeed some in the past sinned but overall and based on human realities this nation has been a beacon of light to the rest of the world. I mean I don't see many people fleeing this nation

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