Thread: I am angry !!
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Old 12-22-2017, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I have met many people in law schools and philosophy classes quite capable of critical thinking. Trump fans though often leave a lot to be desired in that area.
My friend the first mistake you make is that you allow your personal and emotional feelings regarding Donald Trump to influence your position here. there are many people who could care less about Trump, other than as a vehicle/tool to move this nation back toward center.

As to the critical thinking issue, instead of educators instructing students at every level as to the art of argumentation they continue preaching on the manta of victimization. Its why today the demand for safe spaces. Its why historic American figures are de-faced and removed. Its why the insane reaction to Trump's win and its all done in the name of free expression.

If indeed they were critical thinkers don't you suppose they would be formulating democratic solutions to their alleged grievances instead of acting like immature petulant children ?. And the real tragedy is that these same people do not recognize ( lack insight) into this immature and underdeveloped nature. Why because their peers do the same thing and it has become normalized. That is frightening and all because these students have been indoctrinated since kindergarten with these false truths.

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