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Old 12-28-2017, 03:26 PM
John_W John_W is offline
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Here's the rules from the District Government website:

Sport Pools

Be sure to check the sport pool activity schedule before you go. Schedules are available in the Recreation News insert, on pool bulletin boards or by calling the center where the pool is located. Sport pools are designated for exercise programming.
  • All Villages sport pools are for residents only (age 30 and older).
  • All sport pool participants must have a current year’s signed activity release before taking part in any organized water activities.
  • All sport pool activities start at the top of the hour and finish 10 minutes before the posted end time. Pool will be cleared after each scheduled activity.
  • Lap swimming – all lanes in with no program leader. Lanes are for lap swimmers. Sharing lanes and/or circle swimming is encouraged with lanes are full.
  • Open exercise and walk – no lanes or program leader. General exercise, walking and swimming.
  • Combination swim time — pool has some lanes in. Water walking, general exercise and lap swimming with no program leader. Open pool area is for water walking & exercise, lap lanes are for lap swimming. Sharing lanes and/or circle swimming is encouraged when lanes are full. Lap swimmers have priority use of lap lanes.
  • Water exercise programs – these programs are drop-in sessions that you can attend at your leisure and take place in both deep and shallow water. They are a great low impact way to get a cardiovascular workout and tone your body. There are numerous, volunteer led, sessions at all the sports pools. Work at your own pace matching your individual goals and level of fitness, skill and ability. For information on specific water exercise programs, please call the regional recreation center where the program is held. These programs are listed by the leader on the individual sports pool schedules.
  • Water Volleyball – offered in multiple skill levels:: Open, Basic, Intermediate, Adv. Intermediate* & Advanced * (*sign-up required). All scheduled level of play times (excluding open play) are organized – a staff member or volunteer ambassador will organize play. During organized play unused courts (vacant) must be made available to players from a different level of play. For example, during Organized Intermediate vacant courts can only be used by Basic, Intermediate Advanced and Advanced level players.
  • Open Group Play – there is no designated level of play. No courts are reserved & all courts are available for all to play on. Please abide by the courtesy rule for water volleyball courts so fellow residents have a play opportunity. A group consists of 6 players per team/minimum of 12 per court.)
  • Water Exercise & Water Volleyball programming may reach peak attendance/participation numbers allowed for activity. A staff member or volunteer will assist in passing out Peak Participation Program tickets 30 minutes prior to the start of activity on an as needed basis.
  • You do not need to sign up for sport pool programs. Special events and activities which require sign-up will be announced.
  • Pool equipment is available in the pool room at each pool. Please treat the equipment as if it were your own, and return it to its proper place when finished.
  • Please contact any of the regional center managers if you have a question.