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Old 01-01-2018, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Riding the NYC subways for 20 years I never noticed negro’s smelling any different than us.
Do southern negro’s smell differently ? Is that why so many were lynched ? Were fire hoses used on them because of their odor ? Maybe it’s because of all that fried NOTHING they eat.
Why did you tell that lie?

Why were they lynched? Because they're violent. Because they raped...not ONLY white girls...but the black women too. Do you think a farmer beat and killed his slaves for fun? They were VALUABLE property not something a farmer would abuse.

Originally Posted by Guest
Next time you are in NYC take the 7 train to the last stop in queens. Do it during rush hour. You will not know what continent you are on?
America's future...the cities are already there...80% minorities...20% white people.

America has no future...