Thread: Fire and Fury
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Old 01-07-2018, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I would like to read this. Does look like a mix of fact and fiction.
There is a difference between FICTION and poor reporting.

Most of what I know or have read about what is in this book has been printed before in other articles and books. I refer you to both of Trumps biographers who have commented...

"Among the broad strokes that seem accurate to me, based on my experience as a biographer of Trump and other sources:

Trump often fails to deal with the subject at hand, preferring to tell and retell anecdotes and stories that sound rehearsed. (He did this with me, many times.)

Trump is bored by briefings and uninterested in details. (He has long shown this trait.)

Trump demands extreme personal loyalty. (Also a Trump hallmark.)

Trump's leadership has created a battle royale environment with White House factions in constant conflict. (Consider the news of the past year.)

Trump believes "expertise" is "overrated." (He has said so to me.)
Sadly, Wolff's reporting on the disparaging things the President says about women and his effort to understand the appeal of white supremacy also seem true to the man."

Trump biographer: Much of what Michael Wolff says about Trump rings true (Opinion) - CNN

One of the comments in this mans piece was clarifying...

"The President's own lies and distortions, which are key features of his leadership style, make it impossible for anyone to rely on him and his aides in a normal way.
As a private citizen, Trump developed this squid-ink method so that he could sell himself like a human product. In falsely claiming that various starlets pursued him for dates, or the British royals were eying Trump real estate, he played a game with reality.
In a super-salesman, this habit was amusing. In a president, it is both frightening and dangerous."