Thread: The Wall
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Old 01-10-2018, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I can understand the basis for the first half of your post, but am wondering where you get your facts for that last question. I know a lot of people who are well educated that supported and voted for Trump, both male and female. In fact, I would find it more likely that a larger percentage of uneducated, lower income voters voted for Clinton since they tend to support more of the Democratic party agenda. I'm thinking a large portion of Trump supporters were working class whom I don't consider uneducated or lower class.

I'm sorry, I don't have any stats to back that up, but am wondering if you could post your info on that.
While I am not overwhelmed by generalizations, and not sure I see a correlation with the wall, but the poster makes a point, and I offer a few links for you to consider...

The educational rift in the 2016 election

Behind Trump's victory: Divisions by race, gender and education | Pew Research Center

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump | FiveThirtyEight

I would make my point that he "conned" the American voter based on his cabinet appointees, the recent tax cuts, and a number of things. While I can argue it based on stats as I present, it is much easier to make that point based on actions.

This is an interesting and telling quote from the man who actually wrote the "Art if the Deal"

"If Trump is elected President, he warned, “the millions of people who voted for him and believe that he represents their interests will learn what anyone who deals closely with him already knows—that he couldn’t care less about them.” ♦

Good reading but doubting you will actually read it.

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All | The New Yorker