Thread: The Wall
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Old 01-10-2018, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
For just having a strong feeling (how's that for validation or authentication!!) an awful lot of boisterous partisan rabble rousing.

Some of us have a feeling as well.
What can we do to help get some over the fact they lost the sure thing, against all odds election?
What can we do to help some understand that trying to hold just one politicians feet to the promise fire Trump.....just ain't fair.....when it is common practice goes with the job of politics.

If some are going to only single out Trump for bending/swapping, dodging/weaving, breaking about improving one's credibility and list all the other abusers of the same BS!

I have a feeling there is a one way measuring system, partisan blindness, obedient marching to the weekly talking points is just a feeling mind you!!
Allow me to speak to this......

Today, Trump created one of his false realities....something every single person who wrote about him...his biographers and co writers have mentioned.

We all know, and don't be insulting asking for proof about his totally scary lying, and his many false felonious allegations (OBama wiretapped him, Cruz's dad involved in Kennedy assisanation as two examples).

So today, Trump takes aim at our countries libel laws, so people are not falsely know like by the President on a world wide stage.

The President's focus on America's libel laws isn't about fairness, it's about silencing and intimidating reporters and critics alike. It's part of a broader pattern of assaulting the free press and free expression. It is unamerican

What he is doing, and what he is creating has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with "partisan rabble" nor is it begun by or promulgated by anyone but himself. How you can imply the Democrats have anything to do with our President being so clearly able to simply switch realities, I do not understand. It has nothing to do, in any way with the media, the opposing party or any if that. He was not forced to say these things.....