Thread: The Wall
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Old 01-10-2018, 10:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I judged nobody. I simply supplied to you the links you were looking for, and even said I am opposed to generalities.

Not sure why you want to "fight " about something like this, but since you do, please supply links or credible information when you take a poster down

I assume by "judging" you refer to my comment and doubt you would read the link. If you are insulted by that, sorry, but I note most of the links I supply are not read and obvious because the responses are to to any facts but always about Clinton/OBama or the year old election. Glad you read it, but if I recall you consider most negative Trump,stories to be fiction, while embracing whatever he says.
I'm sorry, I think you took my comment toward you a little too seriously - no fight intended. I debated about putting a smiley or something after my statement so you would realize I was being facetious when I commented about you doubting me. Hope this makes sense, but sorry for the misunderstanding. Sometimes I hate the written word vs face-to-face.