Thread: The Wall
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Old 01-10-2018, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You should have down research before challenging this poster, who stated, albeit without back up, a common theme for the past year.

I oppose the generalization and question the relativity to the wall, but in general the poster was correct 100%, speaking down to him/her was not the proper response.
Obviously, from your response to this I am totally lost to this whole conversation. I did not challenge the OP regarding what he initially said. In fact, I think I said I understood that part, it was only in questioning how he viewed Trump supporters. I don't think I was speaking down to him at all, just telling him what I thought and asking how he came to his conclusion. (my first post directed at the OP)

When I responded to you (my second post on this thread) and said that I thought the reference was offensive, it was only because you posted all these links to voter's education level and I went on to say that wording it differently may have been more appropriate vs "uneducated lower class".

I have no problem apologizing to you or the OP if I talked down to either of you, but I'm still trying to figure out if you're confused or I am. Are you sure you're not making a mountain out of a molehill here? I don't know, I'm just asking.