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Old 01-11-2018, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
So right on.

These endorsers of white supremacy and followers of Baldwin....perhaps they can tell us from what country he is posting, who he represents, etc.
I don't think what you say is true. You continue to float the narrative that all Trump supporters are white supremacists and your friend calls us all deplorables. All from the group who insists that people should not be spoken of as groups and that name-calling is inappropriate.

I will agree on one point which is that Don stands out for sure as the one person who appears to be an outward supporter of white supremacy. However, dumb he is not. He does bring facts to his arguments, no matter what the topic. I do not like what he stands for, but I know I can't debate him. Can you? I have seen and experienced that of which he speaks. I call it crowd mentality because I notice that the blacks that do not go along with the crowd think, so to speak, are not like that at all. I love my African American (they don't mind me calling them black either, btw) friends, co-workers, and cousins. We have openly talked about racial issues (which go both ways, by the way) and what it's like to be black vs white, etc. So in one respect, I can agree with some of what Don says about the violence in many majority black neighborhoods (I presented stats too), but I do not judge individuals by the color of their skin, nor by their religion, or anything of the sort. My preference is to seek out what is in their heart and to look at each person as a unique individual. If you knew me, you would see that in the way I live my life and by the diversity of friends that I have.

The shallow-minded on here (hopefully not you) will continue to pick and choose from my narrative and make it their own basket of lies. So be it. I guess we all see what we want to see. Personally, I would rather just get along with everyone because no one is free of faults in their character. To me, life is best when I can bring out the best in another. We all have our redeeming qualities which, when found, can outshine our faults.