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Old 01-11-2018, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You are truly hopeless and I see that as sad. Anyone who would defend you and your vile and nasty ways, well, I don't even know what to think about them. I don't think there are many.

You exemplify everything that is wrong with this great country of ours and is exactly the reason I have refused to engage with you up to this point. I had already figured you were too deep-seated in your hatred for others to have any kind of back and forth exchange without spewing your vitriol.

You "talk" as if you know so much, even about others. Your inability to engage as a normal human being "speaks" otherwise. You have given a great example of this by just your comments above, although I don't think most people on here needed any more evidence of that, as you have already given so much prior to this.

Just within recent days it seemed as if every thread I engaged in you popped up, usually to say something unkind. Many of the posts have since been deleted. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it was just coincidence, but will certainly be on guard because I don't think you are a person to be trusted with the truth.
Abby, I have a question for you.

Have you ever taken a stand like this on the foul mouthed posters who denegrate our country daily and our free press ?

Have you ever taken offense to posters ignoring topic in order to attack Hillary Clinton and or Obama, not in any kind of defense of Trump, but just to attack them out of the blue ?

Have you ever taken offense at a poster, who I think is not even in this country doing what the Russian bots did in dividing people along racial lines or spreading anti government sentiments ?

I am seeing your wrath and stellar character is reserved and very narrowly doled out, or at least it seems that way.

The posters you embrace with LOL, etc are those with the dirty mouths, the complete and total racist posts, the little cartoons (many flat out obscene) "seem" to like that kind of thing but anything other is blamed on the media, and which I still wait for an example of them lying in delivering the news.

Your reason for voting for Trump is that he was nominated is what you said. I voted with a write in, because I have a conscience and in any kind of good conscience neither candidate had the morals to deserve to be in the oval office. It had nothing to do with policies, and frankly you are so close minded as to how you are being conned as was pointed out yesterday in speaking of the wall. You did not even approach the subject of him lying to just went after a statement on who voted for him as a moral stand. You are not, however, upset at all the our country may dish out millions to honor Trump ?

During the campaign, Trump maligned personally and in every way possible the talked about and much worked on comprehensive immigration did it in almost every rally....he made fools of Rubio and Jeb Bush and yesterday as he said he would support maybe 5 different things, one was the one....comprehensive immigration reform that he told you followers would never happen.

Well, lots of words..sorry.....but CFNM at least is talking facts and not anything else. It IS upsetting to be lectured to by someone who seems to avoid all issues EXCEPT race...I realize I am generalizing you have made yourself "read" by lecturing.

And I fully expect an all out attack by your buddies