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Old 01-12-2018, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
As the world watches! Unbelievable that he is our ambassador to the world representing the best??? we've got!

As our children watch....ugh!
Why? Because he WON'T LIE about them? He won't lie about Africa and Africans?

God forbid someone should speak the truth occasionally.

WHAT GOOD does importing millions of 3rd world Africans/Haitians do for America and Americans?

There are TOO many of them...they breed like rabbits...and they'll NEVER NEVER NEVER become contributing citizens.

We have monkeys living here in FL...Up by Silver Springs...they live alone and they seem to be doing OK. But you wouldn't bring them into your neighborhood to live next door...would you? So WHY would you want to bring another species to live in our country?

Negros are NOT "us" and THAT is why they ALWAYS have's WHY they are ALWAYS the bottom in EVERY society. You can't let monkeys loose in can't let blacks loose either. They are incapable.

GO to MLK Blvd in Orlando...Go to a black school and SEE what the 99% of blacks are really like. You'll see...there is NO potential there at all. You'll see they're a drain and will continue to be.

HOW LOW do we drop the standards? Until they're meaningless? How many "losers" do we allow to fill positions "ONLY because of the color of their skin"?

It's NOT their skin color, or their nappy hair, or their anatomy, physiology, or susceptibility to's NONE of's their being another species! NOT directly related to us. GENETICALLY not closely related.