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Old 01-12-2018, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Looks like hush money ($130,000) for affair to porn star, may of 2006, 1 month after Trump's marriage to 3rd wife, Malania, has made it to press. Our President, ugh!
Yep, it is everywhere.

Of course he will deny, call everyone a liar, etc., etc.

This is and always has been a very bad man. As our country becomes a reality show because of this person, he is "playing" the entire country especially those called "his base".

He needs to keep this group "on board" with whatever he does or says, because if they go, the GOP will turn on him quickly.

They, no matter why they still trust such a terrible person, will not come out of this reality show with any sense of satisfaction.

This experience that he is putting a once great country through will certainly insure that the GOP is sapped of any strength, and our country will no longer have the respect of the world.