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Old 08-25-2008, 10:12 PM
Cassie325 Cassie325 is offline
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Default Re: Bison Valley residents using The Villages family pools

Originally Posted by Peachie
Mariab, wouldn't it work better to have pools in the areas of the family homes outside the limits of The Villages rather than using The Villages facilities? I think the problem is density. There only are so many pools and if they are opened up to everyone outside The Villages that qualifies to use them, the residents may not enjoy the pools as much. It seems that parents and grandparents who don't have children living right in the area are penalized. Our children can only come for a short period of time and use the facilities.I open to others take on this situation, perhaps I'm missing something in my rationalizing...
Peachie...I do not disagree....TV's should build atleast one pool for the family villages....however I agree that the 30 day rule is a little extreme...they should look at the vacation times for schools and allow that to be the amount of days...

I also don't think that parents and grandparents that have kids far away will have them visit more then 30 days a year.....would you have them here a little more than 30 days if you could? Guests that are over 19 can come as often as's the kids that can't be here more than 30 days....

I will say that most of the apartment complexes/condo complexes/housing complexes have their own amenities for their families.....just not TV's family housing....

I own inside and outside TV's so I know I pay my dues....but have amenities at both places....if Bison Valley had offered it's own amenities I would have bought there...I was ready to pay cash for a gorgeous house...but they offered NO amenities to I went elsewhere...TV's are loosing money because they don't do this....not everyone has family inside.

NOW...If TV's are offering guest passes to families that live in the family villages and they do not have family that are truly Villages residents....then that is wrong....
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