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Old 03-08-2018, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by ColdNoMore View Post
And the rabid, gun-obsessed crowd continues to strain credulity and expose their desperation...with inane comparisons.

If meaningful and reasonable regulations couldn't be passed after the slaughter of FIRST-GRADERS at Sandy Hook...what have we come to?

I mean cripes, even after Las Vegas and the overwhelming support from the public of banning bump still HASN'T come to pass.

Why is that?
Originally Posted by ColdNoMore View Post
So let's do nothing.
So let's do nothing.
So let's do nothing.

Since legislation is ineffective...why have ANY laws?
Originally Posted by ColdNoMore View Post

The "problem" and "facts"...are indisputably evident.

Just as the rabid opposition to ANY legislation regarding well-defined.

The proof of that, is the fact that legislation against the sales of bump stocks...has so far been successfully forgotten/buried.

I am curious as to which facts are evident? Do you mean that the fact that exists that 29 people per day are killed by drunken drivers? The fact that in Chicago with strict gun laws, there are still over 500 gun related homicides?

What is your stance on the phrase, guns don't kill people, people kill people? Do you have the same stance with the phrase, cars don't kill people, people kill people? If not, why not? The statistics that there are more deaths by DUI than by gun don't lie. If you do agree with the phrase, why are people NOT screaming for car/alcohol control and background checks for people looking to buy a car?

I find it curious that members of the "right" are vilified for their position on guns, yet members of the anti-gun side continue to shout down the "right" and have not yet provided data to show that legal law abiding citizens are mishandling their guns. There are plenty of system failures but those are not being attacked.

There are existing gun laws. How are they not sufficient? Please present your evidence of how each law is ineffective. Is it truly the law that is ineffective, or is it the inconsistent use and failure of government agencies to update the background check database? Could it be the privacy issues with flagging mental health issue people in the database? Or how about in the recent Florida shooting, the lack of response by the various agencies who were alerted to the potential of the perpetrator in advance but DID NOT ACT on that information. Please be outraged! You should be since the very agencies you seem to believe will keep you safe have FAILED the victims of that tragedy. And where is the outrage with the perpetrator of the crime?

The reality is I don't believe that cars should be more regulated, but if you stick to the facts, and your position still is that guns need even more control, then you must take an even stronger stance that cars and alcohol absolutely need to be controlled. The data says you can't have it both ways.

Gracie pointed out that this is a morality issue and was attacked for it. Hint, she is right. There is an excellent Op-Ed in today's Daily Sun by Walter Williams. Have you read it? Coincidentally, he is discussing gun control, death by drunken driving and morality.

I have asked the question, where is the uproar as it pertains to drunken driving. How any people have expressed outrage at the tragic loss of life of the Homosassa woman killed by a drunk driver? Go back through the posts in this topic and tell me. Go ahead. There are more anti gun posts than posts regarding the woman and the tragedy that her family is going through.

The answer continues to be, and you have proved it once again, that woman died, but it isn't sensational enough for you to even take one moment to express your outrage over her death. Why is that?
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