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Old 03-22-2018, 06:12 AM
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Nucky Nucky is offline
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So we have to deal with the wicked snow thing again! I remember as a young child under 10 years old going out for a Easter Luncheon with our entire family. So let me see that would be at least 50 years ago. When we started to eat it was coming down steadily and by the time we finished eating we were stuck in the restaurant for hours with nothing to do but worry that we would be there for the rest of our lives. Snow has not been good to our family or our business and is Nothing but a bad memory for us, I hope. If one of our kids needed us we would return anytime of the year but we can't take the real cold and the thought of shoveling paralyzes me. So No Nucky Snow Angels or Snowmen in our future, hopefully.