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Old 04-05-2018, 04:34 PM
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Madelaine Amee Madelaine Amee is offline
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Originally Posted by chachacha View Post
hi gang, i see not much is happening on this forum so i thought i would share my great experience studying a language in Florence, Italy. i combined this with a group tour and have had a blast...the learning experience can be done in any country and is an immediate way to meet people from all over the world. my friend jeannie is taking a cooking class besides the Italian class, and i am taking Art History, taught in Italian, which is very interesting. The school, Michelangelo Institute, arranges group tours at very low prices and the art history teacher also takes us to museums etc as part of the curriculum...there are students from Brazil, Germany, Columbia, US, China, almost everywhere and we have group dinners which are a lot of fun. We are in a Senior program with a special low price but the fellow students are all ages...some as young as 18 a nice change from the Villages for a while. So think about putting a learning cap on for Italian, Spanish, German, French, i am sure almost every country has language schools that are similar. It's a wonderful way to see a city and a country and meet new people while learning! Has anyone had any experience about this kind of thing to share here?
Where are you staying while at the school? Sounds like a great way to see Florence and meet some really interesting people. How long are you staying? Interested to hear more about your trip.
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