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Old 04-06-2018, 10:01 PM
Boomer Boomer is offline
Soaring Parsley
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The first time I saw big seed pods on queen palms, I could not believe it. Huge, heavy, pointy things that looked like they could take somebody out if they were standing under the tree at the wrong time. Our queen palms had grown really tall and those pods gave me the willies.

Between those seed pods and the yellowing fronds to constantly be removed, I was DONE after 2 years of dealing with queen palms.

Queen palms really don’t belong in our part of Florida — too far north. But people like them because of their Florida look.

In the beginning, I was quite taken with our queen palms. I thought they were so pretty against the blue sky. I even schlepped big bags of fertilizer to them according to schedule.

I caught on though — after seeing huge seed pods that seemed to appear out of nowhere and after hearing that palm rats like to live in queen palms. I never saw one but I wondered if they could see me. (shudder) The palm fronds had started to touch the roof, too.


(Turns out, they actually gave a surprising amount of shade, but I do not miss those queen palms one bit.)

Last edited by Boomer; 04-07-2018 at 06:07 AM.