Thread: TOTV Access
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Old 04-15-2018, 12:25 PM
tomwed tomwed is offline
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[feel free to cut and paste like i did and add more explanations]

Here is what happens:
I log onto my Internet Service Provider (ISP) to use the Web.
[comcast, CL]

I open my web browsing software (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and type Talk of The Villages - The Villages, Florida into the location bar.

My computer asks my ISP's DNS server(s) for the IP address of Hosting * Web Applications *. [that's like a phone number]

My ISP’s equipment first checks its memory cache
[this might be the problem-- they have the wrong number]

to find out if it has fulfilled a request for this same address recently.
[because if that is a "wrong number" you get blocked and you can't get in until the memory get's cleared]

If it has not, my ISP’s equipment will communicate with InterNIC’s conglomeration of root servers that make up the Domain Name System to find out which DNS server holds the IP address of the domain name. [it calls the operator for the right number]

My ISP’s equipment takes the address provided and sends a query to the authoritative DNS server for that domain.

The authoritative DNS server responds with the IP address of the desired server.

My ISP's equipment updates its memory cache with the address so that it respond to future requests without all the steps above.

My ISP's equipment responds to my computer with the IP address of the server for which I am looking.

My computer updates its memory cache so that it doesn't have to look up the address for a while.
[that might be the problem too. that's why IT asks you to clear your cache before they try other fixes]

My computer hands the address to my browser, which opens a connection to the server (using the specified IP address) and retrieves the first page from the site I requested.

My browser displays the requested page on my screen.

[that it even works at all is amazing--and it does all this in the blink of an eye] i may delete this----i don't want to loose it for now