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Old 05-20-2018, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by ColdNoMore View Post
No, seriously, it's definitely my bad...for giving too much credit.

For have my apology.
An original thought from you? Um, no. Although it is amusing that you are now plagiarizing my thoughts.

Puhleeze, you're straining credulity...of even the most naive of people.

If you can't see the bullying in the Tweets...then THAT'S the real problem.

You're doing it again!
Look you can rant and rave, call people names and use all of the emoticons that you want, but you continue to duck. Why can't you produce the work product that you are citing? I should have no need to go and look for the origin of your work product. I have provided you my research time and again.

While solely concentrating on the admittedly embarrassingly stupid statement of "confiscation, then due process" (which I agree was beyond ignorant, for a person at that level), you are purposely avoiding the issue of bumpstocks...WHICH WAS ALSO DISCUSSED in the publicly broadcast meeting.

And yes, THAT was also backpedaled on after the NRA PRIVATE meeting...which has so far resulted in crickets.

Nice try though.
So, YOU put a link to a video in which the president is discussing what you call "backpedaling", you name call, you ignore (and not give credit where he is discussing taking guns before due process) and now you are trying to tie that into me avoiding the bumpstock issue? Why do you continue to muddle the discussion? Perhaps so that you don't have to back up your statements?

I also call out that YOU continue to duck my questions. I answer each of yours, and provide links as appropriate. I still have not seen evidence of your claims, but we are supposed to trust you.

YOU attempted to manipulate the "big boy discussion" by IMPLYING that the leaders condone bullying. It is time for you to muddle the waters once again:

Santa Fe High School student claims students and coaches '''emotionally bullied''' suspected shooter

A student who survived the Texas school shooting on Friday has spoken out about the accused gunman, saying that he was 'emotionally bullied' by his classmates and coaches.
But since bullying is condoned, little action taken, loud voices saying "you just need to put your big boy pants on and take it, since it never harmed me" and actually perpetuated by our national leaders...fat chance that will work either.
Those were YOUR words. SHOW all of us where you got this information from-don't tell us to go do your work for you.

You still have not identified if you even understand "due process" and how important it is.

I've given all the evidence a reasonable person needs, which will always fall woefully short with those who actually depend on EMOTIONS...and their love of guns over the love/safety of children.
You haven't given "all the evidence", what you have done is provide rhetoric and opinion which you are attempting to make fact.
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Theodore Rubin