Thread: Going gray
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Old 06-25-2018, 02:55 PM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is offline
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Originally Posted by big guy View Post
I have short hair and used the same hair color for years. When people started commenting that my hair was more blonde everytime they saw me, I knew it was time to grow out the gray. I went one haircut (8 weeks) and looked like a skunk. My hairdresser suggested that she do a few foils just on top to blend the blonde and gray. It didn't take long, only had to do it once, a couple more haircuts and the blonde highlights took care of my problem while it was growing out. Painless! It was the most liberating thing I have done for myself and my gray hair is attractive if I get a good haircut. Any hairdresser who does coloring should know how to do this if you explain that you just want the foils on top to camouflage the gray growing in.

Yes....this does work!!!