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Old 07-18-2018, 06:56 AM
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Taltarzac725 Taltarzac725 is offline
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Originally Posted by Schaumburger View Post
And what if you were selected to serve on a jury for a trial lasting 3 or 4 weeks? It sounds like it could be a significant problem for you. When I did serve on a jury in the early 1990's the trial did last 3 weeks. My manager at the time wasn't too happy, but i worked nights and weekends, and my employer paid me for all 3 weeks.

Fast forward to current employer only pays employees for 10 days of jury duty. After that you have to "work it out with your manager." Probably means the employee would have to work nights and weekends to continue to get paid. Hopefully I won't have to experience another lengthy stint of jury duty as long as I am still working.
They probably would have dismissed me when I started going into all my connections to the legal system since a cop came to our Earl Wooster High School English classroom in March of 1976 to talk about recovering from the murder of our English teacher's daughter in late February of 1976. He spent a lot of that time complaining about how the media glorified criminals and talking about a horrible murder case from April of 1963 in which an Earl Wooster High School student committed the murder. One of the most brutal in Nevada history and still reads like something out of Jack the Ripper's crimes in London. And he really went into the details of how this Earl Wooster High School killed an English female Olympic skier living and working in Reno, Nevada. The cop demonstrated what not to do in front of a classroom of frightened teens.

I did e-mail the Court Clerk as not to blindside them with something like this. And then they nabbed the wrong person in 1979 in the murder of the teacher's daughter. She did make a false confession it turned out 35 years later but had been a paranoid schizophrenic at the time of the false confession. They did a DNA test on a cigarette at the crime scene and got the right person in Rodney Halbower in 2014. Halbower is linked to five murders of women and teen age girls in San Mateo County, CA in 1976.

This would still have been hard for me to talk about as the teacher's daughter was murdered on my birthday. So I am reminded of it a few times a day. Hard to talk about this especially in a room full of strangers. I did tell the Clerk of the Court about this in an e-mail.

Easy facts to check for them too. Quite a lot of media coverage of both of these murders connected to Earl Wooster High School. The London papers really sensationalized the 1963 murder sharing the nightmarish details. The Reno papers were more considerate. The national grocery store rags did what you would expect.

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 07-19-2018 at 10:42 AM.