Thread: The Joke Thread
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Old 07-29-2018, 07:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Millerw1946 View Post
A very protective farmer had three teenage daughters who had never been allowed to date. The three daughters were really bugging the farmer until he finally gave in. He allowed them to date on one condition, that their date had to come to the door and the farmer would greet them and approve of their choice. And so it happened. Coincidently, all three daughters had a date on the same night. The first guy shows up and knocks on the door. The farmer grabs his shotgun and goes to the door. "Hi, I'm Joe, I'm here for Flo, we're going to the show, is she ready to go?". The farmer looks him over figure he's ok and lets her go. He returns inside until anther knock at the door. He grabs his shotgun and approaches the door. "Hi, I'm Eddy, I'm here for Betty, we're going for some spaghetti, is she ready?". The farmer looks him over and figure he's ok and lets her go. He returns inside until anther knock at the door. He grabs his shotgun and approaches the door. "Hi, I'm Chuck." The farmer shot him.
Well. Luck,buck, truck, muck, suck, Duck, yuck

Originally Posted by Millerw1946 View Post
A very protective farmer had three teenage daughters who had never been allowed to date. The three daughters were really bugging the farmer until he finally gave in. He allowed them to date on one condition, that their date had to come to the door and the farmer would greet them and approve of their choice. And so it happened. Coincidently, all three daughters had a date on the same night. The first guy shows up and knocks on the door. The farmer grabs his shotgun and goes to the door. "Hi, I'm Joe, I'm here for Flo, we're going to the show, is she ready to go?". The farmer looks him over figure he's ok and lets her go. He returns inside until anther knock at the door. He grabs his shotgun and approaches the door. "Hi, I'm Eddy, I'm here for Betty, we're going for some spaghetti, is she ready?". The farmer looks him over and figure he's ok and lets her go. He returns inside until anther knock at the door. He grabs his shotgun and approaches the door. "Hi, I'm Chuck." The farmer shot him.
Well, he might have said duck, luck, muck, puck, suck, or truck
. . .there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves, and also that everyone should eat and drink, and find enjoyment in all his toil. . .
Ecclesiasites 3:12

Last edited by Moderator; 07-29-2018 at 11:52 AM.