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Old 07-30-2018, 07:37 AM
collie1228 collie1228 is offline
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I Googled this. It looks like a good way for a threesome to "make it interesting". It's also called Nines or Nine Points.

Each hole in a round of Nine Points has, as the name suggests, nine points at stake, but those points are divvied up among the three golfers in the group. Here's how the points allotment breaks down on each hole:

The golfer with the lowest score of the group gets five points.
The golfer with the middle score is awarded three points.
The golfer with the high score gets one point.

Add the points accumulated on each hole, and the winner is the one with the most points at the end of the round.

The format is one of several that golfers have come up with over the years to provide some competition when there is an odd number of players and the group can't play partners.
When Scores Are Tied in Nine Points

Of course, on many holes, there will be ties for a low score or high score. This is how you divvy up the nine points in case of ties:

If one player has the low score and other two players tie, the low scorer earns five points and the other two get two points each.
If two players tie for low score, those two get four points each and the high scorer gets one point.
If all three players tie on a hole, they split the nine points equally—three points each.