Thread: Traffic Circles
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Old 08-09-2018, 09:04 AM
Chi33 Chi33 is offline
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Default Traffic Circles

Could someone tell me in layman terms about traffic circles in the villages.

My problem is this... and may be simple for some...

The Resident entrances are always on the right side.

So, if you stay on the right side of the road, and go to the 3rd exit, you still have to yield to left who going to the second exit...

If you stay on the inside (left) and go to the third exit, as a resident you have to cross into the right lane, however you have to hope but the people on your right, and the people entering on your right will yield as you cross into their lane.

So, the right yields to the left, however you have to trust the right to yield for the left to get to the resident entrance, and many are new to circles.
