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Old 08-19-2018, 12:35 PM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is offline
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Originally Posted by Goldwingnut View Post
It's not only about size for many businesses, it is also about the intense cyclic nature of the business here.
With TV population cycling 50% +/- throughout the year it is very hard for many businesses to survive. It must be included in their business plan and finances to endure the slower summer months. Only they can decide if the profits in the high months are worth the costs of the negative cash flow in the slower months. For most businesses the answer is no, this is most likely why we don't see a Costco or Trader Joes here. If the business can remain cash flow neutral or better during the lean time it is likely they'll make a go of doing business here in The Villages area.

Of course the naysayers will go on about the price of rent and % of GR the commercial properties claim each month. They obviously have no idea how a business works or how commercial real estate works. Premium locations command premium prices. Every business that goes into a leased property knows exactly what their cost is when they sign the lease. If they can't survive in the premium town square locations it's not because of the rent, it's because they either didn't plan for their overhead costs or they over estimated the value of their products or services, normally it's the latter. Those that do plan well prosper, examples easy to see - Rustic Rose, City Fire, World of Beer.
Finally a really good response re: business! No...I'm not a business owner neither!