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Old 08-20-2018, 02:38 PM
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Default DRONE Group finally getting off the ground

In Thursday's Recreation News the resident survey for a dedicated Drone Resident Lifestyle group to be formed. The purpose of the survey is to determine interest level and get a feel for the room size needed for the meeting.

The group will be open all Villages residents (because we plan to hold it at a Rec Center you must be a resident) with an interest in drones and/or aerial photography. You don't need to have an aircraft, just an interest in them.

The group will focus on educating users on safety, regulations, types of aircraft, purchasing a drone, flying techniques, editing of videos, and any thing else related that the group wants to pursue. If enough interest exists then a section 107 certification study group may be possible also. There are still lots of details to work out.

You don't need to own a drone, just have an interest in the hobby, we already have several people singed up that are looking for information on making the right buying decision for an aircraft.

I've requested the meeting be a the Rohan Rec Center on Wednesday mornings but we'll have to see what is offered. This location seems ideal because of several large open areas nearby, including the ball fields and their large parking lot, that will be great for flying. Morning are best for flying as the air is normally calmer and better for the smaller aircraft.

I am the point of contact for the new group. Please call the number in the Rec News when it comes out and give me your name, address, and phone number. You can also send me a private message from this website with the same information and I'll add it to the list.

For those whom I've previously conversed with about droning and I have your email address or phone number I will also be reaching out to you.

Anyone interested in being a part of the core group to help with the startup and help set the direction of the group please send me a PM.

Don Wiley
GoldWingNut (a motorcycle enthusiast not a gilded fastener)
Village of Hillsborough
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Last edited by Goldwingnut; 09-11-2018 at 01:00 PM. Reason: more info