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Old 09-05-2018, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Buckeyephan View Post
Just got off the phone with the folks who mow our yard. We are contracted for a Monday mowing and they didn't come yesterday. She informed me they worked yesterday but I told her they didn't do our yard. She then said we had rain and they don't work in the rain. I'm not aware of rain yesterday morning or early afternoon when they usually come. I said I would deduct a mowing from next month's bill which will arrive the first of October. She said they didn't credit for rain days and we still owed the same amount. We had an issue earlier this year and missed two consecutive weeks because of rain. Do other folks have the same problem? Thanks.
I understand how you feel and had the same feelings myself. I am on our second company and work with them now.

In New Jersey, we paid $45 per cut, in The Villages we pay $45 per month. I didn't really understand the way it works here until a neighbor explained that it is taken for granted that you pay the full freight year round because of the price being so reasonable.

The condition of my property this very day breaks my heart, it is a disgrace. We just got home after 2 months and I can tell you for sure that they do a better job when your home than when your not. I can't ever see the trays on the ground that the water runs from the downspouts.

Still, I'm grateful for our gang and they are polite and work hard under rough conditions. Water supplied to them constantly. All I have to do is talk to them about the shortcomings and they resolve the problem quickly.

Hang in there OP, I know it's not easy to accept all the new ways of the south but you will not change the policy of your company.