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Old 09-15-2008, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
With one fourth of America's capacity in some state of disrepair in the gulf after Ike, along with the overnight gas shortage created by panic buying maybe....MAYBE...some law makers will begin to realize just how little it takes to slow or stop this country in it's tracks.
What is it going to take to get us back on a footing to recognize we are on an energy path to disaster.
Time to start hammering our representatives to get the priorities right and pass meaningful energy legislation without wasting a lot of time with quid quo pro and earmark delays.
Each of the current events buffeting America so far have not been enough to inspire action.

Anyway....nothing changes perpetuates nothing changing and the sheeple march along shrugging their shoulders.


There was a time when the US was totally self-sufficient on all fronts. It's the desire for "more, cheaper" that has put us in a box. Whether it's energy from the Mideast or South/Central America (cheaper production costs there, no "mess" here) or general products from China and others (no environmental restrictions or Kyoto Accords action there, also very low production costs) - we seem to want a bargain NOW and the heck with the future.

It's been a long time getting into this conundrum, and the first part of the solution (more energy production HERE - nuke and fossil and other) is paramount. There will be NO effective conservation to meet the needs, as the population is still increasing here, and that additional population requires energy service.

Bottom line - there is no free lunch!