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Old 10-03-2018, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by NotGolfer View Post
I almost wasn't going to watch...but did TIVO it and watched it. I'm glad I did!!! So far, it's pretty good!! Sometimes when Christianity and God are depicted on the screen it becomes pretty cheesey or it denigrates people of faith. So time will tell how well this show fares.
It will cover other faiths as well from what I have read.

I had a friend while in Graduate School in Librarianship at the University of Denver in 1983-1984. He was a cataloger at the University of Mosul in Iraq. Here in the US to get advanced training. Learned a lot about this Muslim religion for him but he soon became very anti-American after returning to Mosul and was caught up in the emotions of various wars over there. Mainly he was drawn into the horrors of the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s. Terrible what happened to the library and many of its books and/or other holdings. It was pillaged by ISIS even though it sounded like some of the librarians tried to rescue some of the books in that collection.

I do hope that they cover the Muslim religion with a view to its complexity. Each Muslim I met at the U of Denver was different as they were from different countries for the most part and also from different economic backgrounds.

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 10-03-2018 at 09:37 PM.