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Old 10-05-2018, 07:48 AM
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chuck90199 chuck90199 is offline
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Default One Day On A Cruise Ship

A woman sits down at a bar on a cruise ship and says, "I will have a scotch with 2 drops of water. It's my 85th birthday and I'm celebrating with this cruise."

The bartender says, "That's great, let me buy you this drink."

When she finishes the man on her left says, "Happy Birthday, let me buy you a drink."

"Thank you. Scotch with 2 drops of water, please," she tells the bartender.

The lady on her right says, "I would also like to buy a birthday drink."

"Thank you also," and again orders scotch with 2 drops of water.

The bartender pours her drink and asks "Why scotch with only 2 drops of water?"

She replies, "Son at my age, I can hold my liquor, but holding my water is a whole other story."