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Old 10-08-2018, 07:20 AM
Abby10 Abby10 is offline
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So glad to hear from you, Nucky. I was about to ask last night as to where you were, but figured I'd let it go for another day knowing how busy and tired you have been from all that is going on in your life. Glad to hear the positive news about your friend. Medicine, even prescibed meds, can often wreck havoc with our bodies. Especially as we age, our body functions aren't as efficient so we don't eliminate them as well as we used to. Glad your friend is on the upswing. One thing I love about helping others that you exhibited in your post, is that while we're attempting to support and lift their spirits, we are often blessed tenfold in the process. Sounds like that's what happened to you.

NOTHING but new topics for today - no poop, no spiders, not even pie. So what's on the agenda for today, Monday, October 8th? Maybe the regular forum will give us some ideas or we could always hope for a good classified ad to pop I will probably have next to NOTHING to offer because I will be off to work today then hopefully to the gym afterward to work off that delicious NOTHING I had last night. Hope you all have a great day!