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Old 10-17-2018, 10:18 AM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is offline
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Default Unhappy people...and observation

It takes all kinds to make up our community. Today I was behind an elderly woman (using the automatic cart) at Aldi. She was checking out and ALL the while screaming at the checker on how she hated to shop there. She could never find what she wanted and blah, blah, blah. Wanted to know where the main office was so she could complain further. He called the manager who politely listened to her tirade. That said though...this woman is parked with that cart where ALL the people were trying to leave and do their own thing at the packing shelf. When she decides to finally move, she nearly backs into me. Then speaks sharply---"don't worry, I won't run over you!' while she's almost doing it.

People...who aren't familiar with Aldi! You may not be able to find your favorite products ALL of the time as they might only carry them for a short period of time. So "IF" you see something you like stock up or just be aware of this. I wonder if some folks are just unhappy and love to make LIFE miserable for others because they are themselves. Her behavior was horrible and certainly had the attention of all the people at the front of the store. THEN in the parking lot...she didn't park the cart close to her car to unpack her goods, but instead kept it out in the middle of the lane so it caused a traffic back-up as well.