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Old 10-21-2018, 08:55 AM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is offline
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We received ours a few weeks ago but know that they're being sent out in "waves". A friend of mine got hers in late summer in the Midwest, way before we got ours here. It will come soon, I'm sure. As someone else said don't answer any e-mails or phone-calls and give out personal information.

I got a call from TVH clinic we go to this past week asking if I'd requested "someone" to fill some RX's. I had not!! They said it was strange as they had my personal info---ie. birthday etc. I was asked then, did you click on some e-mail or something recently? I had not!! BUT I had gotten a call from "Medicare" doing a survery but VERY early in, I said NOT interested and hung up. I can barely remember the call quite frankly. BUT maybe it was one of those where a "yes" answer is given---then they take it from there. Anyway, the clinic told me not to worry---they'd take care of it on their end. The slime-balls will stop at nothing trying to pull off a scam.