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Old 10-24-2018, 07:54 PM
JoMar JoMar is offline
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Originally Posted by Nucky View Post
I think Graciegirl passed on her bias because of observation over time and because she is correct. We have a husband-wife team who own two electric carts. They have been telling all who will listen that they never have to bother to buy gas Blah, Blah, Blah. Guess what? Both carts need batteries at the same time. Ouch! I feel bad for them, nice people that never really thought about this coming. They are going to fix one and let go of the tree and buy one gas cart for long trips. I wished them luck and take no joy in their financial pain!
Well Nucky, my wife and I both have electric carts, and we both bought them around the same time. Our due diligence showed, very obviously, that we would need to replace the batteries every 3 years. Since both carts can go 50 miles on a charge, it drops to about 30 at three years we have never had the "range fear" most gas owners have. The quiet, no gas, no oil, no engine maintenance were important to us, it's not important to everyone. The fact that your friends made a judgement mistake by not doing their due diligence in depth and maybe made an emotional buy doesn't change the fact the electric carts have a place here.
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