Thread: Is change good?
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Old 10-30-2018, 03:25 PM
Bonnevie Bonnevie is offline
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" the thought of changing one's entire lifestyle at this age is daunting. yet the prospect of a good companion during one's last years offers some allure..."

I guess I don't understand why you can't have the second without the change. Many, many couples in TV are living together or are exclusive with one another without marriage. for many it's a financial thing...marriage would cause a forfeiture of spousal pension or soc. sec. Why does he want marriage. As others have said, at this stage of our lives there could be real consequences of being legally bound to someone where there is a greater chance of illness in our future. Do you each have children? that often adds to the stress of marriages and resentment. So I guess I'm saying do the old pros and cons list. I personally think a committed, exclusive relationship whether you live together or not would be best. I would not give up your house.