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Old 11-01-2018, 07:27 PM
spring_chicken spring_chicken is offline
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Originally Posted by ditka41 View Post
Today I was very surprised and impressed with the service at Brownwood. I would say they're making good decisions to provide excellent service. I had received a notice on my 2017 Yamaha gas cart regarding the need for replacing a piece of hardware on the accelerator. I drove up to the service entrance at 2:20 PM and was greeted at the curb with the question of "is it here for service or recall?" I responded recall and two service technicians immediately took care of the problem while at the curb with me watching. They even had the required parts outside in the "special" line ready to install. The technicians were very efficient, floor panel removed, and a new spring was installed, no charge, and I was driving away at 2:33, very pleased. The other carts in front of me never moved ahead during that time as they were obviously there for more intensive service. My compliments to them in recognizing that by segregating the type of work needing done, more customers can be accommodated. Naturally, I realize that it is advantageous to them also to not have a "recall customer" standing around bitching to the others in line about the reason for a recall. I felt like the situation was properly handled and mine was a job that did not require putting the cart on a lift. The customers still in line had been informed that all the lifts in the shop were in use and everybody seemed to be patient and understanding. -----Well done Villages Carts!! ------
You only got good service because it's a recall. They can't risk lawsuits because they make you wait months for a dangerous issue.
See the dozens of posts on this forum about their crappy service.
Go off campus for good service after the sale.