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Old 11-02-2018, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by fw102807 View Post
OMG I can't even imagine having to go and pick out a happy chicken. You are NOTHING but blowing my mind. It's going to take me a while to process. I would have had to pick out a sad one I could put out of its misery. I may never eat chicken again.
In NOTHING but N.J. I outlawed chicken at our house. The kids would eat fried happy or unhappy chicken for every meal if we let them. It had to be fried though. I bought a beautiful deep fryer for them because I didn't know it would turn into an everyday event. The smell of the chicken fryer in the house could gag a maggot. I would take the wifey to Spirito's until the house smell came down a couple of notches.

The chicken had to be happy & young if that helps. Sorry but its true! What a man won't NOTHING do for his woman!

I like Fried Chicken now but only from Publix!!