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Old 09-22-2008, 05:38 PM
Posts: n/a

Villages Kahuna,
I totally agree with you. Our debt is in the trillions of dollars – do we all think it is going to magically disappear? My post dated Sept 9 below:

There isn’t a single soul in this forum (myself included) or in the country for that matter who wants to pay higher taxes. But I believe there are a few fundamental problems with our thoughts concerning this issue and our attempts to limit our damage.

If we don’t have enough money to run our household there is only 2 things we can do – make more money or cut back expenses. It doesn’t take someone with an economics degree to figure that out. If we ran our households like Washington handles our finances we would be broke in short order. I feel the problem is we ALL have our special interests that we want federally funded and could care less about the special interests of others. I am particularly fond of Veterans issues and labor concerns. I don’t care if we disband NASA or NSF for example, to fund my interests. I’m sure your priorities may be different as well as areas you would cut back, but you get the point.

Secondly, we all claim (again, I include myself) that we want a balanced budget and don’t want to pass on debts to future generations. While a balanced budget is desirable I suggest to you that we really couldn’t care less about future generations and their struggles. I have to admit there isn’t anything about a nameless, faceless person of the future and their problems that keeps me up at night. Our thoughts are in the present and what comes out of OUR pockets.

Are these very selfish attitudes? Absolutely. But isn’t that where we really stand? There is no doubt we ALL love our country. Shouldn’t we all carry the burden of her upkeep, sacrificing monetarily as well as the special interests we hold so dear?