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Old 01-05-2019, 11:13 AM
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the water authority tests the water daily for bacteria counts and adds chlorine accordingly, so it varies in the intensity.

Although chlorine is a poison, and the safety of drinking it can be questioned, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared that chlorine in water is safe to drink in small amounts.

But then it's removal would be safer I would think,

Showering with chlorinated water likely leads to more chlorine absorption in the body than drinking water treated with chlorine (according to a study looking at the impact of chlorine byproducts on bodily organs in the case of swimming pool exposure). Additionally, warm water opens up your skin pores and hair follicles, leading to greater exposure when you take a hot shower.

Chlorine and its byproducts strip away the natural hair and skin oils that protect your body from over drying.

Looking at your annual report from the water company there are two "by-products of disinfection" .
It sounds perfectly normal and harmless (according FDA the levels are safe) but they vary the amount of chlorine daily???

TTHM & Haloacetic Acids, google those

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