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Old 01-05-2019, 07:21 PM
villagerjack villagerjack is offline
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Originally Posted by John_W View Post
Not everyone fought on the front lines, and even if a woman wanted to she was denied. Just because they worked behind the lines doesn't mean they should not be honored for the work they did in winning the war. How about all those men who sat home and did nothing at all because they were CO, or flat feet, or some other ailment. These woman actually contributed to our victory. Every war has casulties, and every war has heroes, these woman were heroes.
Never suggested that they should not be honored. They indeed played a very important part in the war effort. But so did all the women who stayed home including my mom who had 4 kids in a one bedroom apartment Living on an Army allotment and ration stamps. No stories about them because it does not fit the subliminal Agenda that entraps many. Point is that these great women were treated unfairly but so were a lot of other veterans who were spat upon and called baby killers. My FIL. Was shot down over Ploesti and was a POW under very bad circumstances but he amazingly never complained or thought he was special. This story could have been about their achievements but PBS prefers to dote on victimization. Life is not always fair but that is true for all genders.