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Old 09-26-2008, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by chelsea24 View Post
Hello! I'm back! I know you missed me Bucco!

I find it very interesting that most of the Republicans do not want these debates. Especially John McCain! hmmmmm, wonder why?

oh, oh, I think I know . . . McCain doesn't stand a chance!
It's a shame when things were quieter nationally that Sen. Obama and staff REFUSED to participate in town hall forums - all of them - to discuss issues. yet today it's a different deal. What hypocracy!

All of this gamesmanship is sickening. When the candidates and staff start acting like adults, perhaps they will be worthy of adult votes.

At this point, neither is worthy of running a hot dog stand if the best we can get is who can outstage the other - and both are just as guilty.

Oh well, once they get their make-up on, the cue cards in place, the rehearsals completed and paid off the cameraman to shoot the best profile angles, then we will have another celluloid President - all style and no substance.

If you REALLY want to get the best value from the debates, listen to them on the radio or cover the TV screen. Anything else is the make-up artists, wardrobe specialists, and acting coaches at work. BUT if what you want is the best stage show, by all means, vote on the basis of who may have minored in theater arts.