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Old 02-21-2019, 11:11 AM
Ozzello Ozzello is offline
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Thank you for the link, my next post responded to that. As an expert having studied and worked in this field for over 3 decades, I do get a little tired of spending so many hours battling wide spread misinformation, no matter how well intentioned... too often about palms. Too many facts are taken out of context and applied in the wrong way to the wrong trees. The most common and destructive thing to established trees being the early removal of seed pods on queen palms.

A few of the other things I find being spread as truth that are completely wrong :
Hurricane cuts..
Truth: Certain species at certain times this IS a needed or beneficial practice.
Queens freeze and die in this zone..
Truth: Only very young small queens would die in our zones, sometimes.
Add Epsom Salts.
Truth: Only with Manganese as well. Magnesium alone will cause deficiencies of other nutrients in the long run.
Palm rats,
Seriously? Hard to fathom some people hate palm trees SO MUCH they have coined a new non existing species to convince people not to plant them.

UF and the County extensions have always been wonderful and informative even before the internet I subscribed to monthly mail outs they used to have. But remember there are many very different species with many different locations and SO many issues that can seem similar yet the causes are completely different.
Sometimes the quick reference is exactly what you needed to know and will fix your problem. Sometimes the 'expert' is that doctor back in the 60s saying it is fine to smoke cigs when you are pregnant. I am sure some of them even thought they were right.

Last edited by Ozzello; 02-21-2019 at 11:16 AM.